Life Cycle of a Monarch Butterfly
Most of these pictures are from the brood of caterpillars I raised in March of this year. I released thirteen in our backyard. The fourteenth butterfly fell before it’s wings were dry so I protected it in my butterfly habitat. It lived a week. His name was “ED”. “Ed” A female Monarch butterfly drinks nectar from my milkweeds before laying eggs. The butterfly feels the Milkweed with it’s antennae before laying a egg. Then it touches it’s abdomen to the leaf to release a little egg. Each female monarch can lay 300 to 400 eggs! In warm weather it usually takes five days for a Monarch egg to hatch. When they first hatch they are grey with black heads. After a few days it will receive it’s familiar stripes. After eating so many leaves the little caterpillar will soon out grow it’s old skin and have to molt. This caterpillar will...