How To Make a Netted Caterpillar Sock
Raising caterpillars in a container is great, but you have to put fresh leaves in daily. If you have a busy schedule, but still want to protect your caterpillars this enclosure will work well for you. All you have to do is tighten it around the branch of your host plant with your caterpillars inside. It is easy to make and low cost. To make my netted sock enclosure I used scraps of window screening. You can cut out a square of any size depending on the branches size. This window screening square measures 19” x 17”. After cutting out your square you will need to fold it. To sew around the edges I used clear fishing line. It is strong and blends in well. You can use thread if you don’t have any. Because you fold your window screening over you only have to sew the top and side. Leave the bottom open so you can slide your enclosure over the host plant. After you sew both sides, you can turn it inside out so in looks better. The last step is weaving in the string to...