Sustainable Living in Costa Rica
Sustainable living is a lifestyle with the goal to reduce the usage of natural resources through a change in transportation, energy use, and food consumption. At this small farm in Costa Rica, sustainability starts in the home where free wind energy is used dry clothes. Another plus is the creation of a garden where food is harvested in the backyard. This lowers carbon emissions that come from food transport. To begin my tour, I walked down the grass path that divided the gardens. Herbs and fruit trees including bananas were included in the gardens. Some of the different plants are Lemon grass, mint, bay, ginger, citronella, and yucca. Above is a Bay tree. Commonly used to flavor soups and other dishes. This bushy lemon grass plant is used in flavoring teas and marinades. It promotes digestion, is used as a mild insect repellant, and is said to relieve coughing and nasal congestion. This solar dryer is used in drying herbs. It was very warm insi...