Living the “Green life” through Permaculture Design
The Econ Farm was purchased in 2003 by Tia and Terry Meer, and is used for demonstrating sustainable living practices and for educational classes on topics such as organic gardening, permaculture, and sustainability. This fall from Sept. 15 – Nov. 4th they are offering their third Permaculture Design Course in Orlando, FL. Permaculture is a design for sustainable living and agriculture. The methods can be applied around the world to turn degraded ecosystems into productive and thriving communities. It is not only a way of life, but also the future. It takes methods and strategies from around the world and weaves them into an applicable example that can be used in urban and rural land designs. In a time when environmental health is at risk, permaculture is one of the solutions that will help us rise above the ecological problems that we are currently facing. To learn more about the Econ Farm and how you can get involved visit,