
Showing posts from April, 2013

Discover Pottery in Seagrove, NC

On this blog entry, I will be displaying photos of various pottery stores from my family’s trip to Seagrove, NC. In the following link, you can see a past article I wrote on the individual pottery artist’s pieces along with some history on the area. The photos show some of the pieces made by talented potters.   This first store is the Seagrove “Creations” Pottery Gallery & Hearthside Coffee. Yes, a pottery store that doubles as a coffee shop which makes this pottery shop very unique. The idea behind this was to allow customers the joy of having coffee and pastries as they look upon the wide selection of pottery.   Their Website: The Seagrove Creations Pottery Gallery & Hearthside Coffee store sells pieces from over 65 of the local potters and crafts people. It was very entertaining to walk through and gaze at the large collection. ...

Elizabeth’s Secret Garden’s Book

                             Since the butterfly season is here again, I wanted to share a brief look into a book on butterflies I wrote. My book describes the life cycles of 10 North American butterfly species including the Monarch, Queen, Cloudless Sulphur, White Peacock, and more. Each butterfly in the book I’ve raised and documented  the life cycle with pictures of the egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, and butterfly. It includes several tours of butterfly gardens and conservatories.  It also explains how to raise butterflies using inexpensive, readily found supplies. My book Includes photos from my personal photography with detailed descriptions of butterflies, host plants, common butterfly diseases, predators, and helpful facts. It has been purchased by teachers as a study guide. My goal in writing this book, is to educate people about b...

Pottery Showcase in Seagrove, NC

Seagrove, NC may be small, but it has a great reputation for being the “Pottery Capitol of the United States.” It has many potters that are passionate about the artistic pieces they create. Pottery in Seagrove traces back to the 18th century when English and German immigrants settled in the surrounding area. This ancient art began to spread as Seagrove potters passed their knowledge down to children and interested apprentices. Also, the community colleges began offering ceramic art classes. About 100 pottery shops and galleries now extend across Seagrove, NC and neighboring towns. Many stretch across Hwy 705 which is the official “NC Pottery Highway.” (See picture at end of blog entry.) The pictures below are pictures I took while at the Seagrove Pottery Festival. I selected photos of my favorite pieces  from 5 different pottery artists. My next blog entry will show some of the stores I visited with my family. Pottery Pieces by Doris Petersham Doris receives her inspiration from ...