Keep Dogs out Keep Veggies Safe! Guest Blog Post by “Dog Fence DIY”
Electric dog fences are excellent for protecting your beloved pets on your farm or homestead. They can be used to confine your dogs to one area, or they can be used to keep your dogs out of specific areas. For example, you can stop a dog with a digging habit from destroying your garden. You could also protect your chickens or other livestock from dogs with a prey drive. If you have a pond, machinery, or other dangerous areas on your property, you can use an invisible fence to ensure your dogs keep a safe distance. Traditional fences aren’t always practical, because dogs can dig underneath or jump over them; harsh weather can damage them, leaving your dogs vulnerable to escape; and they can obstruct your own movements over your land. DIY electric fences are excellent alternative to traditional fences, but how much does something so reliable and versatile really cost? Let’s take a closer look at the costs associated with electronic dog fences. See it all on their we...