Braulio Carrillo National Park Costa Rica 3/13/10
The Braulio Carrillo National Park is located in the Central Volcanic Mountain Range in Costa Rica. It is positioned between the Poas and Irazu Volcanoes. The journey through the mountains seemed long and treacherous. We drove up in thick clouds and I watched in amazement as clouds floated right past our car (picture above of my view in the vehicle). We all squinted as we tried to see the position of cars through the thick haze. Every sharp turn along the mountain, I held my breath as I wondered if we would make it along the narrow road and not hit another vehicle.
Braulio Carrillo National Park information
The habitats of Braulio Carrillo are Cloud Forest and Humid Tropical forest. Now I really understand why it is called a Cloud Forest! The rain forest is very humid and every tree has a fur covering of green moss and clinging vegetation lines the branches of trees. Along the trail marched a procession of Leaf-Cutter ants mingled with the chirps of calling insects and screeches from birds.
Braulio Carrillo National Park was found on April 5th, 1978. The park contains 6,000 species of plants and 515 bird species, one of which is the Quetzal. Hidden among the canopy of trees are Jaguar, Howler Monkeys, Spider Monkey, White-faced Capuchin, and Anteaters. The park also contains several dormant volcanoes including Cerro Chompipe, Cerro Cacho Negro, and Cerros Las Tres Marias.
The picture above shows a tree in the rain forest with stilt root. The tree seems to perch in mid air upon its moss laden roots. There are many theories as to why such a root system is necessary. It could be to help with rapid vertical growth towards the canopy or for extra support with the excess rain and wind. Whatever the reason it is fun to gaze at the giant tree and I imagine it’s shape to be that of a tepee!
In Braullio Carrillo National Park runs a stream. Here light is able to penetrate through the rain forest. The stream provides drink for the various wildlife that inhabits the park. Below are pictures including a camouflaged frog among the leaves, a butterfly with shimmering patches of blue, two different flower species, and a video of Leaf-Cutter ants marching across the rain forest floor.
Leaf-Cutter Ants in Braulio Carrillo
I included interesting facts in the video and music.
Charming video with great format, you are very talented. Enjoy your text and pics, it makes me feel right there. Laughed when you mention howler monkeys, they can be an alarm clock.