Smithsonian National Zoological Park in Washington D.C

Zoo sign

The Smithsonian’s National Zoo is free and open every day of the year, except December 25. There are a variety of exhibits which you can view below. The Smithsonian’s Zoo was my favorite part of our trip and I highly recommend visiting it. Besides the outdoor exhibits, there are also more that are open throughout the day and have air-conditioning. This includes the Reptile Discovery Center, Invertebrate Exhibit, Small Mammal House, Bird House, and Amazonia.   

In the picture is my brother Joshua and my sister Andrea. I am blessed to have them and for all the adventures we get to go and that I can now share with you!

Visit their website at the following link: 


sloth bear

I didn't know there was such a thing as a Sloth Bear until we visited the zoo. Despite their name, they are not related to sloths. They live in the forests of South Asia. Sloth Bears are very shaggy and usually emerge at night to search for a meal of insects and fresh food.

Learn more at: 


I decided to take a photograph of this mother Sloth bear because she seems to be in a majestic position with her had held up high. Also you will notice her cub riding on her back. It is a great example of the motherly relationship between mothers and their children.

leopard  clouded leopard

Clouded Leopards live in Southern China, Taiwan, Himalayas, and down into the Peninsula of Malaysia. They labeled vulnerable on the World Conservation Union’s Red List of Threatened Animals. The cause for them being endangered is because of deforestation, poaching, and habitat destruction.

Discover more cool facts at: 

Panda Bear

After patiently waiting, the panda finally awoke from its slumber. The activities currently threatening this beloved animal are farming, forest clearing, and other development. Despite their cute appearance they are dangerous like any other bear in the wild. I believe it is worth the effort to preserve the wildlife and habitats God created. There is a way to maintain the fragile balance of nature while still having space for our food and shelter. Simple things like recycling, reusing, purchasing organic products, and even starting your own garden can help. Just imagine what a huge impact we could make if we all went the extra mile to make a difference!

Information on the National Zoo site: 


This elephant is being playful since it has an audience! I like the pose captured in my photograph. It is sad to note though that these endangered in the wild with only 30,000 left in the forests of south and southeast Asia. Poaching remains a major problem in the conservation of elephants. When going on international trips, you can help buy not buying ivory as souvenirs or any other endangered animals product.


Poaching problem: 


This tiger must be waiting for lunch. It is a Sumatran tiger with a roar to match its size! 


Nearby is the lion exhibit. As you can see they are a bit lazy during the heat of the day. Lions tend to hunt early morning and night for that very reason. Lions sure get the good life at the National Zoo. Wouldn't be nice if we could all relax most of the day? Female lions are in some ways like humans because they take care of meal time by hunting for the pack. The males do help when it comes to bringing down large prey. The lion exhibit made me think of the Wizard of Oz when Dorothy (Judy Garland) and her friends say, “Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!”

sleeping face

Nap time!


Zebras are always a thrill to see at zoos. There stripes add a whimsical feel. Animals of the Savannah were the last exhibits we saw. We had such a great time! Thank you Smithsonian’s National Zoo for the chance to tour the zoo. Keep a lookout for part two with more exhibits from the zoo. Thank you also to all my regular blog visits and kind comments from fans. Thanks to all of you, I currently have about 26,731 blog visitors since April 2009!


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