Seminole Springs Herb Farm Faire


My family went to the 16th Annual Herbal Faire on Saturday, November 10. The participants for this year’s event included Trout Lake Nature Center, Slow Turtle Farm, Saturday Night Soaps, and others. To read more about the event visit.  Below are pictures from our family visit to the Herb Farm and our experience of attending the 16th Annual Herbal Fair.


We enjoyed taking a look around the large greenhouse with a nice selection of herbs. Most of them are started from seeds as well as cuttings taken from their own stock. It was nice to encounter familiar herbs that I’ve studied and personally have grown from seed. Some of the herbs at the Herb Farm are hard to find at other nurseries and a rare find. Herbs like Holy Basil and yarrow are both great herbs that I’m fond of and they can be purchased at the farm. Holy Basil is a great herb for anxiety and depression. Yarrow has many uses, but is especially useful for fevers.


All the herbs are labeled to make searching easy.






We enjoyed a wonderful class by Lavon from the Trout Lake Nature Center about insects.  It was called “The good, bad, and the beautiful.” I really enjoyed it and learned some interesting facts.

coffee house

Olivia’s Coffeehouse at the Herb Farm offered lunch or a daytime snack. We selected some scones and cookies for our trip back home. 

group photo 

It was a pleasure meeting Traci (green shirt), owner of the Seminole Springs Herb Farm. I also ran into Emily Ruff and her husband. Emily Ruff was my teacher for becoming certified in Family Herbal Medicine at the Florida School of Holistic Living.


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