Homestead Harvest Farm in Wake Forest, NC

Homestead Harvest Farm

My family went on the annual Eastern Triangle Farm Tour  which is part of the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association. You can see their website to learn more.  Our first farm tour was Homestead Harvest Farm. The field is 6 1/2 acres, but the entire property is 20 acres. Jan Campbell did cancer research before she started working full time on the farm. She participated in internships and classes to gain knowledge. Her love for the farm and pride in her animals was evident as she discussed the farm’s history and facts about animal raising.

The chickens are raised free range and feed on the pesticide- free lawn. They are treated with the upmost of care without the use of antibiotics. Chicken tractors on wheels are scattered about the field. They are moved around as the animals are ready for fresh grass. The farm also has ducks, turkeys, and pigs.

Chicken tractor

As you can see, the chicken tractors can be moved manually by pushing back against the wall. Wheels make for easy transport. Canvas is put along the bottom of the frame to help keep out smaller predators like weasels.

Turkey watching chickens

The turkey seemed to be guardian of the chickens. He kept a watchful eye on us as he pranced about the chicken tractor. His feathers were spread out and his overall stature was conducted for the purpose of showing off. His face was blue from holding his breathe and a flap of skin known as the snood was elongated as he held his breathe.


Mr. Turkey’s family were a moody bunch. They were making all sorts of noises. We learned that cloudy weather makes turkeys a bit scatter brained. You learn something new every day!


Pig chasing ducks 

Time for a game of tag! I love to capture funny moments and this was one of them. Who knew that pigs and geese make good companions for playing tag?


Pigs are social animals and like to be around other pigs and apparently they like having geese around too. When feeding time came it was a battle to see who could get to the food first. All manners and proper etiquette are tossed aside when food is brought into the scene. The smallest piglets struggled to get their share. There were a couple of pigs who were only a week old and hadn’t learned yet that there was a low wire that was electrified. Suddenly, we heard a loud squeal as one of the piglet’s tail brushed up against the thin wire. I’m sure the young ones will learn quickly.

Pig's expression

The expression of a hungry pig!

solar panel 

The electric fence is solar powered.


The not so bright side of chicken raising, but essential for producing meat. I will keep this brief for the sake of those who are sensitive to this topic. The picture to the left is where the quick process of slaughtering takes place. The picture to the right is where the de-feathering is done. It is a Whizbang Chicken Plucker. At 160 degrees Fahrenheit, it only takes a few minutes for the feathers to come off. Two chickens can be put in at a time.


Pork and chickens being stored in the freezer until they are sold.


I thought this was a nifty gadget. It is a washing hands station.


Well, that concludes this blog entry on Homestead Harvest Farm. I’ve taken you from chicken to the final harvest process. You can contact Jan Campell at

United States book cover

Homestead Harvest Farm is included in my third book! This book contains 38 tours of state parks, national parks, gardens, butterfly conservatories, and farms. Each tour page contains photos, facts , and a personal review of the attraction. My photography helps make the pages come alive. Pictures from places such as Sarah P. Duke, the Cecil B. Day Butterfly Conservatory at Callaway Gardens, and even the Butterfly Rainforest at Florida University all contribute to making this book exciting and one of a kind. My book is available on Create Space. Please click the Facebook “Like” button to show your support of my writings.

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