Experience the Miracle of Live Butterflies at the Oviedo Mall in Florida
Experience the Miracle of Live Butterflies is a family friendly event that is currently being hosted by the Oviedo Mall in Florida on February 4 – February 19. The admission is $2 and open to all ages. Above you can see the enclosure where the indigenous butterflies are free to fly. In addition to the exhibit, there are items available for purchase, some free arts and craft projects, and Adopt-a-Butterfly kit for $9. A portion of adopt a butterfly kits go to benefit the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. The Network supports Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children and Shands Hospital for Children at the University of Florida.
Get more info on exhibit at Oviedo Mall: http://www.myoviedomall.com/go/mallEvents.cfm?eventsOnly=1
Official Website with other tour dates in US: http://www.butterfliesinthesky.com
Tour guides are available to give a brief introduction upon entering the exhibit.
Painted Lady butterflies are one of the main attractions when interacting with these flying friends. Children are allowed to hold Painted Ladies in the exhibit, but the other butterflies should be only observed to protect their fragile wings.
Artificial nectar allows a feasting spot for hungry insects. Butterflies are free to continue their “reproduction process”, but host plants are not necessary since this event’s focus is simply on live butterflies
The other native Florida butterflies include some of the more colorful species such as this tropical Julia Heliconian.
Flowers helped to add a splash of vibrant colors and attract their pollinating companions.
This Common Buckeye was more illusive and camouflaged. It found itself a roosting spot and preferred to shy away from the additional attention that other butterflies were enjoying.
Zebra Longwings are always a welcoming sight. Their wings are long just as the name implies. They are more slow during flight as they glide along. Capturing a picture of one can turn into an exercise routine unless they are preoccupied with a captivating flower. Particularly Fire Bush is on this butterfly’s list of favorite nectar sources.
Perfect shot! Caught one in action.
This tour would not be complete without showcasing the Monarch butterfly. This is one of the most familiar of all butterflies and worth preserving. You too can be part of helping in conserving butterflies! This spring, how about starting your own butterfly garden? Do some research and ask questions. It is so simple to get started. All you have to do is purchase a few nectar and host plants (caterpillar larval food plants). The Monarch host plant, Milkweed, is a great one to start with. Then, water, weed occasionally, avoid pesticides, and enjoy the butterflies. You will probably attract bees and other beneficial insects as well!
Visiting current butterfly events such as this one or your local butterfly nursery is a great way to get educated and start your journey into the world of butterflies!
Hi Elizabeth, I just wanted to thank you for coming out to the display yesterday. Your review was a fantastic read, and better than any tv or newspaper reporter I've had out at my display in years! We are going to try to be here or in the Orlando area on a yearly basis, so hopefully next time you could come work with us as well!
ReplyDeleteAgain, thanks for the visit, and thank your family for me as well. You all were a great bunch to have visit.