Orlando Wetlands Park, Christmas, FL

The Orlando Wetlands Park is open Feb. 1 – Nov. 14 every year so visitors can come whenever it is convenient. The park is open from sunrise until sunset each day. If you enjoy bird watching, this is a great place to visit with its 1,650 acres of hardwood hammocks, marshes, and lakes. I had the pleasure of talking with a lady who kept record of the birds she saw along the way. This is a great idea to make your visit more memorable.

Website: http://www.cityoforlando.net/public_works/wetlands/index.htm


If you have any facts that would enhance this tour of the wetlands or maybe you know some of the names of the species showed below, please send me a comment.


The weather was nice and allowed for this beautiful view of the wetlands.

bird 3_thumb[1]  

Various birds and wildlife, such as this Tricolored Heron, call these wetlands home. Seeing their habitat first hand contributes to the education on how we can all preserve this masterpiece of God.

It is important to remember that pesticides, fertilizers, dead leaves, lawn clippings, and even cat litter can all compromise the health of our lakes and wetland habitats. Also important to note is that you should not dispose of your used cooking oil down the drain. Simple things such as picking up pet waste and disposing of litter properly can make a huge impact. Just think of what would happen if each of us took tiny steps like recycling or mending old items. Little steps toward sustainable living can add up quickly if we all participate!

Visit here for more information on oil and grease management: http://www.cityoforlando.net/public_works/wastewater/gmp_intro.htm 


It appears that duck napping is taking effect in the wetlands.


God designed wading birds like this Little Blue Heron, with unique beaks that help to make their fishing efforts more efficient.


White Ibis


Bald Eagle



This limpkin is in flight and cannot be dismissed as it loudly proclaims its presence! One of the ladies on our tour described its call as that of a women screaming. They are very loud during mating season, but it all adds to the experience. I hoped you enjoyed this tour and take with you a better appreciation of our wildlife in Florida.


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