Tips and Tricks for Hiking into the Ooh Aah Point at the Grand Canyon


The skies were ocean blue and no haze cascaded into the canyon. The snow was slowly melting and a layer of ice was still present. These were the hiking conditions when going to the South Rim in March. When hiking to Ooh Aah Point in mid March, you will want a jacket handy is tip one. As my friend and I descended into the canyon the melting ice made the trails slippery. We had to take it very slowly at certain patches. We were certainly glad that we started the hike after lunch as the conditions would have been certainly worse. Make sure to bring plenty of water and snacks. I'd estimate it was about 1.5 hours to hike down if not more, but the views were worth it. A pleasant breeze swept across. 

Here is a good view of the trail from the top. You can go all the way down into the Canyon from here, but the sun was starting to set so we decided to make our way back up. Also, we were tired from all that hiking! Make sure to pack plenty of sunscreen regardless of the season. Also, have plenty of water and snacks especially during the summer. There are warning signs to use caution when hiking whether it be from being too daring on the edge of the cliff or staying hydrated. The way back up was the hardest part. We had to take it in increments and take a break frequently. We are both in good shape and exercise regularly so make sure you are up to the challenge before starting the journey down. Also, be careful where you walk as donkeys do use this trail. 

Here is a good view from Ooh Aah Point. I was thankful that there were clear skies on the day that my friend and I visited Grand Canyon. 

This is the view of the South Rim near where we parked when entering. You can just take the trail all around the Grand Canyon if you do not want to hike down. 

There were several Elk licking up the snow from the ground. They were very calm and were only a few feet away from everyone. 

Tips for planning your trip out; when we arrived at noon, there was an extremely long line. It took an hour to travel less than a mile. I'm going to assume that the earlier you arrive the better. Just be prepared for a long wait and I suggest packing your lunch. There is a shuttle that can take you to various points. Unfortunately though, it was about 3 buses later that we could finally board. I would estimate it was about 10 minutes in between each bus. 

Hope these tips were helpful and you get to visit the Grand Canyon sometime! 


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